I recently delivered my latest GAA Coaching workshop entitled RECRUIT AND RETAIN in Piltown GAA Complex and was delighted to have a mixed code attendance.  In parallel, a lot of fine healthy and interesting discussions on a One Club model have been going on between representatives of Piltown GAA, Piltown Camogie and Piltown Ladies Gaelic Football. A lot of openness and honesty from all the participants as they imagine a future of unity across the codes. Very honoured to be part of it.

Getting back to the workshop. It was another step on my vision of creating a GAA coaching forum in Piltown. A forum that allows the sharing of information, ideas and visions from a coaching point of view across all codes. A safe platform to discuss all things coaching and games development. A lot of clubs talk about sharing ideas across their coaches. The reality is, even within a single code, the coaches do not meet as a group even once together.   Annual General Meetings have become specifically structured and do not offer the opportunity for coaches to discuss games development topics in any kind of depth.  Throughout the year committee meetings take place monthly which is mainly on the administrative agenda.  There may be a Coaching and Games committee, but they would rarely if ever, pull all the coaches together. So, the opportunities do not exist at club level. This is the same across pretty much all clubs and codes. It is not unique to Piltown. Hopefully over the next few years and in conjunction with one club model, a forum can be created with this in mind. A forum which has as it main agenda to create a coaching culture.

RECRUIT AND RETAIN was not just about the players, but also the coaches, because coaches are the major link between the two. This module had a practical to design and present a coaching session plan.  It had input from our own young players which brought an interesting and enlightening view to all the surveys about young people leaving sport and campaigns such as #STOPTHEDROP, because the input was local, close to the bone and it backed up the anecdotal national taglines. The attendance were coaches who wanted to be there not coaches that had to be there, like many who attend the mandatory coaching foundation courses. The input was enthusiastic and genuine as a result.

It also referenced last year’s workshop BUILDING THE FOUNDATIONS OF SUCCESS and that road to happiness and enjoyment which remembers that the GAA is your sport and a hobby. Something you should love and be passionate about. It is aimed primarily for coaches but is suitable for administrators, adult players and parents and is suitable for all codes and grades. Please contact me if you would be interested in it.  In the meantime, I will start planning next year’s Coaching workshop taking on board suggestions from this year. Watch this space and please feel free to Share this.




A valid question is to ask what qualifies me to facilitate such a workshop? I managed/Coached my first team when I was 18 years old.  (Read LEADERSHIP SEEDS blog here) So I have been doing this with the best part of 5 decades. I http://i love a bashave experience in all codes across all grades at both club and county level.  Below are some of the highlights of coaching and team management participation.


  • Kilkenny Hurling Under-14 to Under-17
  • Windgap Hurling – Under-16 to Minor
  • Piltown Hurling – Under-8 to Under-14


  • Kilkenny Gaelic Football Under-14 to Minor
  • Windgap Gaelic Football – Minor
  • Piltown Gaelic Football – Under-14 & Intermediate to Senior


  • Piltown Camogie – Junior


  • Kilkenny Ladies Gaelic Football – Under-12 to Minor
  • Piltown Ladies Gaelic Football – Under-12 to Minor & G4M+O

Use the CONTACT FORM if you are interested in hearing more about RECRUIT AND RETAIN or indeed BUILDING THE FOUNDATIONS OF SUCCESS.



I have just completed my winter writing project. It is a one-act play called DELAYED. I would really like to see it performed on the Irish one-act circuit later in the year. It features two characters in their fifties, one male and one female.  It’s the type of play that should suit many amateur drama groups who have more “experienced” actors looking for material that allows them a variety of emotions as well as a nostalgic trip down memory lane and a chance to relive their youth.  For the drama group the set is a simple. Just a few seats located at an airport (Luton) boarding gate. It is the ideal play for an amateur drama group and it is fresh material set now but remembering the past as the chemistry of the two characters and their back story evolves.

If you are a director, please consider it as your play of choice for your group for the circuit. Click on the link below for a summary and the opportunity to read the script. Please make contact through the Contact form. I look forward to hearing from, you.



At the start of 2023, I set out to publish a blog a month on this website.  I have succeeded with this being the final episode of the year.  Did I achieve my ultimate goal?  Not really. Got some new followers which is always special. Welcome to you all. Did my writings get out there more. I think so.  The highlight of year was obviously being part of the GIFTED anthology published by Bridge House in the UK. If you haven’t got your copy, the details are below;

GIFTED is available in paperback or kindle format from the publisher or from Amazon 

2024 will not see a blog a month like 2023, but hopefully some meaningful news and updates on projects I am developing.  As always, if you are involved in a drama group, please check out my library of full-length plays and one act plays. There is a variety.  Some fun, some serious. Some Irish, Some American, Some contemporary, some historical. Some have large casts, some small.  One thing for definite, you will not be disappointed with the stories.  People like you can bring them to life. Of course, I have material of interest to publishers as well.  Please don’t be shy about making contact.

Then of course there is my huge bank of coaching experience and knowledge. If this is your area of interest, please reach out through my contact details or speak to me in person. I don’t bite!

For now, I would like to wish anyone who supported me or followed my work and of course all my friends and relations, a very Happy Christmas and a New Year of good health.  Let’s all hope that the world we live in becomes a much more peaceful and better place with honesty and trust to the forefront.

If you have been shy about reaching out to me, please do so in 2024.  The opportunities dwindle as life progresses.  Don’t miss them and remember DREAMS AND AMBITIONS HAVE NO LIMIT.


Nice to be included in Gill James (Bridge House) Blog.  Great opportunity to promote both my short story “The Pattern Of Seamie O’Connell” in the GIFTED anthology and my own back story and how my library of work came to fruition.  Click the link to read. the Blog.

GIFTED would make a lovely Christmas present for someone you know who likes to read with stories from some very gifted writers from all over the world. Great honour to be included. Checkout the links below;

Bridge House – Gifted

Amazon – Gifted



Delighted that my short story “The Pattern of Seamie O’Connell” (based on a true GAA story) has been included in the GIFTED anthology published by Bridge House. It’s available in paperback or kindle format from the publisher or from Amazon 

Would make a nice Christmas or birthday gift for someone you know.

Thanks to all at Bridge House publishing (UK) for all your support.


The nights are getting longer, darker and cooler as I write this October blog.  The GAA year is winding down.  Success was very limited in 2023 for my teams.  Now my attention returns to writing. Lots of ideas flowing around my head for plays and short stories and longer ones. However, before the words hit the laptop screen and store in the clouds, I am spending some time calling out to Drama Groups and Publishers. Hello!!

The stories I write and tell are nothing until people hear or see them. I have got so much satisfaction and pride from the small wins I’ve had in the past.  It’s the little things that make life wonderful.  From Macra Na Feirme performing a one act to the publication of a short story or poem, it does feel like scoring a goal in a major GAA match! Without drama groups, theatres, producers, directors, actors, stage crew, editors and publishers, those small moments of pride could not happen.  The work in trying to contact the appropriate people, prepare submissions or competition entries can be time consuming and certainly not the most attractive part of writing.  When someone contacts you back it becomes so worthwhile.  So please if connected to a Drama Group or a Publisher, please explore the stories I have to offer.  One hit would make the year!



If you are involved in a drama group, please click the link. If you are a Producer, a Director, an Actor or Stage Crew or possibly the Chairperson or Secretary please check out my library of full-length plays and one act plays. There is a variety.  Some fun, some serious. Some Irish, Some American, Some contemporary, some historical. Some have large casts, some small.  One thing for definite, you will not be disappointed with the stories.

Maybe you are not directly involved, but you know someone who is.  Please share this Blog with them.  Use your social media connections.  I would really appreciate it. I would especially love anyone who is involved in Macra Na Feirme to check out my one act plays and make contact. An organisation that inspired my love of stage drama, inspired me to write and gave me so many wonderful memories. Some of my material would be well suited to an American or English audience. Reach out.  You might end up performing a World Premiere!


When it comes to publishers, I know it is a longer shot.   I have one completed novel, one completed volume of short stories, one novel which is a work in progress and a completed novella that I would love to have published. If you are a Publisher or related to a publisher, please check out below and reach out to me. A million thanks in advance.


My first completed novel is a crime thriller with a science fiction undertone and a romantic sub-plot filled with suspense, intrigue and mystery stretching from Ireland to the Channel Islands to the United States and back to a thrilling action packed climax off the South West coast of Ireland. 88,000 words of compulsive and exciting reading.


A collection of 16 short stories written over a number of years.  I describe them as Dramatic, Romantic, Entertaining and Amusingly Magnificent Stories.  Stories that are inspired by a mix of imagination and reality.  They are Sport, Western, Romance, Crime or rural Irish themed. Dreams Volume One is about the story, the drama, the fun, the twists and the unexpected.  You’ll laugh, you’ll cry, you’ll wonder and you’ll enjoy. Stories set in Ireland, England and the United States of America with time periods varying from the mid 1800’s to modern day to sometime in the not-too-distant future.


A teenage boy who has moved to Ireland with his mother, brother and sister after the disappearance and presumed death of his Father in the Middle East.  They move to his uncle’s farm in a rural area.  He Gaelic sport of Hurling becomes his love.  The story revolves around his life, his family, his friends, his adversaries and the girl he likes with a subplot about the mystery regarding his father’s disappearance. He is an underdog and an adventurer. This is still a work in progress.


This is a novella of 40,000 words. The Emergency Response Unit is the elite police armed tactical unit of the Garda Síochána, Ireland’s national police and security service. Jamie is one of their best officers. After a tragedy strikes while on duty, he is partnered with a tough and beautiful female officer who has baggage that links her to a notorious unidentified serial killer.  Can they work together and track down the killer before history repeats? Plenty of mystery and intrigue.



Ten years ago – Sunday 8th September 2013. A famous victory was recorded by a Piltown hurling team in Mullinavat as the Under-16 team recorded a 0-16 to 0-11 win over the fancied Thomastown in the Roinn B Championship Final. A decade has past since that glorious day which will remain in the memory of all those involved. The players, team management, club administrators, parents, grandparents and supporters of Piltown GAA.  Many will never forget while they are of sound mind, the joyous scenes on the pitch afterwards as the community came together to celebrate.  But how many will remember the details of the match and the run to the final?

The results can be researched.  A first round win versus Erins Own in Clara by 2-13 to 1-13.  Then a quarter final win by 4-14 to 1-11 against Tullaroan in Callan CBS. A Tullaroan team that featured two current Kilkenny senior players, Tommy Walsh and Martin Keoghan.  The Semi-Final victory by the narrowest of margins 1-10 to 2-6 over St. Lachtains of Freshford in John Locke Park, Callan.  Then then that final against a Thomastown team led by another current Kilkenny senior player, John Donnelly.

Then how many remember the details of the final?  Very few I would say. Some would probably say it doesn’t matter.   They won. However, as time goes by the memory will inevitably fade. The joy will dwindle without the availability of a match report to jog that memory. Yes, all our memories will eventually fade.  Fortunately, for that game, I was still the PRO for the juvenile club and produced a match report that will help preserve those wonderful memories longer into the future.  It was originally posted on the old Piltown GAA website.  Unfortunately no longer accessible. But it has been preserved. Read below for the memories of that great ay and championship campaign.

After reading the report, I expect almost everyone will be amazed about how much they had forgotten about that game and that campaign. They were boys then. They are all men now.  Some still playing, some not. But they all have that glorious victory in common.  They may not have pushed on in the last decade, but that is something for another day. For now, it’s the memory and the importance of the wonderful victory.  Of course, its not the most important thing in their lives but it is definitely a cherished moment in their lives and the lives of those closely connected.


Life has changed in the decade that has passed.  Now it is frowned upon to produce a detailed report of a juvenile match.  Now PR of juvenile GAA matches consists of social media posts, which to be fair are very professionally produced by enthusiastic and technically skilled PRO’s. This is followed up by loads of pictures and a sterile match report with little or no detail. The nature of social media means that in a few months anything that has been posted is impossible to find. The mind becomes the only repository of the moment and those who have the photos. Do the photos even tell the story?  They say a picture paints a thousand words. How many times have you seen a photo of player hitting a ball which may be the only ball that was hit in the match by that player? Or on the other hand no picture of a player who hit an ocean of ball and even scored the winning goal.  The picture may paint a thousand words but is it always the right words?


Society has become overprotective of young people images in a sports context.  It’s debatable if this is good in the long term.  Not every photo or report is a crime nor should it be considered a crime.  The memories that have been censored by society will be lost to people in the future. I wonder how things would have worked out if the writers of the Book of Kells censored themselves likewise. How much history would have been lost? 

Society needs these memories preserved. We look back at films that were censored years ago and “laugh” at how they could have been censored. Yet we have the current generation censoring reporting and photography of innocent pastimes. Will future generations “laugh” at us for hiding what will be their past and history?

In the 1970’s cameras were scarce and so were PRO’s. Hence match reports were rare, but the ones that did exist always make interesting reading. All this changed and peaked in the early noughties as cameras became common and clubs all had a PRO, only for the reverse to commence. Take for example the Kilkenny GAA Yearbook.  A publication I have been purchasing since the seventies and a massively important part of my huge GAA memorabilia collection. A must have, every Christmas!  It used to be a great production with some brilliant articles and match reports combined with results recording.  There would be photos that you could see the players faces and the names printed to easily identify the young players for many years to come as they grow into men and women and old men and old women. A wonderful resource 50 years later when trying to identify who played in that famous game five decades ago. 

Jump forward fifty years.  Now the team photos are so small you cannot make the players out, let alone in fifty years’ time.  The names are not printed. You have no idea who would have been on the 2022 Roinn B Championship winning team or if any of them will go on to play senior for Kilkenny when looking back in a few years time.  I personally believe the publication needs a massive review and revamp and I am a long-term reader/viewer.  The current format has become tired.  It serves neither as a historical record nor a point in time broadcast. However, current society thinking will hinder progress there.  Current generational thinking is more in line with the thinking of the early 1900’s where everything is a secret and controlling censorship is key.  Society doesn’t realise what wonderful artefacts or stories are been buried and hidden from future generations. Many because of the sensitivity of insecure adults.


We need to become more open, but we (those who write reports) must have integrity and honesty as paramount.  [Not that I write reports anymore]. There should be some protections there, but not to the point of complete censorship.  Any negativity (and in sport not everything is positive – There are losers too) should not be shouldered by the young players. The adults are better positioned to take responsibility there. Or should be.  Experience though tells me that is not always the case, and some adults can never accept it is them and not the young players. In my experience most adults cry more than the young player. When I was reporting for the Kilkenny People, and on the former Piltown GAA website you would be amazed how many young players asked me to mention them in a match report and were very grateful when they were. The young players said thank you a lot more than the adults. Unfortunately, the current crop of young players do not look at match reports or read newspapers. All they want to see is the pictures on social media. Does anyone else think that is part of the problem with the society we are developing?  Will the skill of reading and understanding reports disappear for future generations and be led by uncontrolled social media. Where understanding the words behind the picture is not important to them. 

The boys of 2013 are now all men.  In a short space of time the boys and girls of 2023 will be men and women. Will they have wonderful memories of matches recorded? In years to come will they be able to look at a team picture and name everyone of their teammates? Will the memory fade with time? Of course, it will.  Will the present which is set to history be completely wiped in a hundred years’ time or portrayed by unregulated medium and in the main untruthful social media posts? Make the most of your good memories.  Hopefully the mind will remain clear for decades. Leave something positive for your children and your grandchildren. You are the current keeper of their history. Keep it safe and treat it wisely.


As the inter county season comes to an end, the debate over the scheduling of the GAA Spilt Season is now gaining increased scrutiny from the national media and the general GAA population. Followers will know I was against the Split Season from the offset and to be fair my opinion is just as good and better than most of those journalists, who unlike me try to make money out of what they write (Well let’s be honest it’s no secret I don’t make any money out of what I write! Unfortunately).  What I’d do for clicks?  So here are 5 reasons why I believe the scheduling is not good.


Whether people like it or not the real recruitment attraction is the Inter County scene.  Bigger audiences that are commercially more attractive. Seriously how many children really go out in the back garden and play a county final. No, they are way more likely to play in an All-Ireland final.  Dream on if you think there are many playing county finals in the garden especially if their club is junior or Intermediate.  Therefore, the best recruitment time is when they go back to school in September which should be flooded with the best PR tool.  Traditional All-Ireland time.  As adults we know that the club is the foundation of everything in the GAA, but these are children. Ask any of them yourself, All-Ireland Final or County Final?


It’s August and all county Championships are gathering pace, some even as far as the county finals.  July and August are now peak for most county club championships, especially, if the County team didn’t reach the All-Ireland Finals. But a large number of the players are not available as they are on holidays, J1s or travelling for the summer. They are due back in September. Many are missing the bulk of the league championships, if not all in some cases. It’s not a majority, but over time, it will influence, the next bunch of young players as to what sport they will commit to.  Not much point in committing to a sport where you will not be around for the bulk of the main competition or have to commit your main summer months to staying around.  A commitment formerly reserved for the elite inter county player.


One thing that really infuriates me, is the pro Spilt Season people are only concerned about players.  Ask the players they say! What about the club managers, mentors and coaches? Do they not have an opinion. Obviously, they want to do the best for their team and have all the best players available and not gone travelling.  The majority are volunteers still. This category of person is more likely to have a family of children that have summer holidays in July and August. Are they not entitled to a break in these months for their own holiday with family?  I suppose the whole concept of the Spilt Season was pushed by an organisation called the Club Player Association. An association that pushed an agenda which the GAA foolishly conceded to, only for them to run into the abyss when they got their way. No proper discussion, or debate. Just a GAA President looking for self-fulfilling glory. Let’s remember none of these players would be anywhere without the voluntary contribution of the club mentors and coaches. Appreciate them! Give them a break too, when they can take it.


The morale of many club players will be torn to shreds.  They more or less expect the inter county player to walk back on to the team when they return.  They are meant to be quality. But what about those ordinary club lads that do go travelling and appear back in September for major knockout matches in counties that haven’t played their finals?    You know what the lad at the edge of the team or panel is going to do next year.  Yes, they are not going to waste their time keeping the jersey warm for the prodigal sons!


The Maths of knockout championship sport is simple. After round one, 50% of the teams competing are out. After the second round, only 25% are left!  Pity the guy travelling for the summer where the county championship is run off in July and August and his club team does not make a final! The elite inter county player expects to give commitment. People forget that for many ordinary club players, this GAA Sport is a hobby. Something they love to do in their spare time. Most of them have other loves in the 21st Century. It’s not the only show in town anymore.  The Gaelic sports will not win as many individuals battles as it once did.  The GAA cannot underestimate the competition. In a match you put your strongest player to go head-to-head in some form with the opposition’s best player.  The Inter County Championship is our best PR tool as it is guaranteed nationwide and well beyond. Now the GAA is hiding it when it comes to head-to-head battle against the worthy and similar opponents of Soccer and Rugby.


There are many more points that can be made on this subject.  The introduction of the Spilt Season by a now defunct organisation has been illogical. Yes, change was needed but a lot more debate and discussion were required.  Our government would not make such a huge change without going out to the people in the form a constitutional referendum.  The GAA deserve criticism on this. The rashness of the move does not auger well for future integration moves. The journalists will fuel this as before they were on one side, now they are switching rapidly.  However, the people who should allow considerable change should have been the people with balanced facts and argument as in a constitutional referendum.  Both sides equally promoted.

I am deliberately not offering options or solutions at this stage. I’ll wait to see whether this August blog gets any serious traction.  I suppose to be fair there is never going to be any easy solution. More games at club and county and Nobody has done anything about increasing the hours in the day or the days in a year! Please, feel free to comment or share. I will respond to any genuine comments. Let the debate truly begin.                                                                           


As mentioned in my June blog, during Covid, I developed a workshop BUILDING THE FOUNDATIONS OF SUCCESS. I recently delivered it to Piltown Ladies Gaelic Football club as a pilot and the feedback has been positive. It is designed to set your own creative minds flowing because everyone is the master of their own destiny.  Arousing thoughts that will lead your club up the pathway for success by creating an underlying culture suitable for a foundation of that success.  It aims to help you find that special something/ingredient that helps your club or team attain success on a continuous level.  It does require a level of honesty to yourself, like the addict overcoming their addiction. It remembers, GAA is your sport and hobby. Something you should love and be passionate about. It is aimed at coaches, administrators, adult players, parents and is suitable for all codes and grades. Please feel free to Share.

I Managed/Coached my first team when I was 17 years old.  (Read LEADERSHIP SEEDS blog here) So have been doing this with the best part of 5 decades. I have experience in all codes across all grades at both club and county level.  Below are some of the highlights.


  • Kilkenny Hurling Under-14 to Under-17
  • Windgap Hurling – Under-16 to Minor
  • Piltown Hurling – Under-8 to Under-14


  • Kilkenny Gaelic Football Under-14 to Minor
  • Windgap Gaelic Football – Minor
  • Piltown Gaelic Football – Under-14 & Intermediate to Senior


  • Piltown Camogie – Junior


  • Kilkenny Ladies Gaelic Football – Under-12 to Minor
  • Piltown Ladies Gaelic Football – Under-12 to Minor & G4M


  • WHY – WHO – HOW


Q. What qualifies you to do this?
A. I love the games and have participated as a player, including a substitute, coach, administrator, match official and a supporter over many decades. Does your S&C coaching course make your more qualified? It certainly won’t be more varied.

Q. Will it help my team/club win a championship this year?
If you were already going to win one, it will not stop you. If you are already winning on a regular basis, why do you need anyone to open your mind to cultural changes? If you feel you were unlikely to win one, then what have you got to lose? Other than that championship that you have already lost in your head.

Q. What do I need to provide?
A room to hold a maximum of 20 people. A large screen or TV to display a presentation. Some background on your club including past successes. A maximum of 20 people (minimum 10) who fit the criteria and are enthusiastic and passionate about their hobby and open to new ways and cultural change.

Q. What will it cost?
I will deliver free of charge to any Kilkenny club. If it fails to give satisfaction, your money will be returned. For clubs outside Kilkenny, I’m sure we can come to some agreement on non-refundable travel expenses.

Q. Why do would you do this?
As already said, I love being involved in the games as my direct coaching roles have come to an end, I would like to put all I’ve learned over the years and al that I has given me so much enjoyment back into the games. I can’t bring my knowledge and experience with me when that final whistle sounds!

Please use the Contact Form or share this blog with others.


Belief must have intelligence substance to support it. It was Albert Einstein who coined the phrases “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new” and “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”.  For those of you who missed HISTORY OF BELIEF PART ONE, click HERE and HISTORY OF BELIEF PART TWO, Click HERE. You will need the background in advance of…


Any study of success can be emotive as some will feel they are being undermined if part of the past. Paranoia and insecurity are symptoms of the lack of belief. Embracing change can be a challenge. Belief itself is almost impossible to measure.  For my part the belief is concrete and steadfast.  The case studies are ones that I am very familiar with (Windgap and Piltown). In reality, the ones I am most qualified to analyse. No point in talking about things you don’t really know, unless you admit that you don’t really know. Honesty is the always the first step. I will always believe unwaveringly that both clubs have the ability to challenge competitively at the highest level for sustained periods of time and not just in the short terms of the past.  However, the study results can be applied to any club in any county or even any team sport where success has been sparse at the highest levels.

Firstly, it is important to rule out some myths given as reasons for the lack of sustained success by using as much science or maths as is possible. Let’s first of all recall the figures. Windgap was formed in 1954 (70th year in existence) 54 years of those have been spent in the Junior grade (77%). Piltown was formed in 1953 (71st year in existence) 55 years of those have been spent in the Junior grade (77.5%). It is clear and beyond doubt both clubs have a pretty much identical record.


Windgap will often refer to population. There is no doubt Windgap is a small parish population wise. In the 2022 census the population was stated as 475. The 33rd highest in Kilkenny. Only Conahy [Shamrocks] and Glenmore have less.
[Note: Mooncoin, Graignamanagh and Freshford all have two clubs in their parish so cannot be spilt using the Census]
In contrast Piltown lie 7th overall after the 2022 census with a population of 4139, 9 times more than Windgap.  Just the City clubs, Slieverue, John Lockes and Thomastown have more. The most successful club in Kilkenny in modern times, Ballyhale [Shamrocks] have 1329 (3 times more than Windgap and 3 times less than Piltown).  It is very clear considering the difference in populations that population is not a factor unless you wanted to make the unscientific suggestion that one has too many and the other too little. Population factor is the first myth.


Both clubs have had random well celebrated and worthy juvenile successes. Over the years Windgap have generally completed the lower Roinn’s, C, D and even E. Most recently winning a primary schools title. In latter years they have competed at higher levels including Roinn A thanks to their amalgamation with Galmoy [population 779]. Without Galmoy they would still be at the lower levels and history is hard to argue against in that respect. On the other hand, Piltown have at least been very competitive in Roinn B, with a few Roinn A successes as well. Competing competitively at Roinn B juvenile over a number of years should translate into similar at adult Intermediate level. Bar a period in the 80’s, this has not been the case. Again, it is clear that both clubs compete in contrasting juvenile and development competitions. It is very hard to say with any conviction that is a common factor in their subsequent adult competition level.


When it comes to Post Primary, a key component of any player development, the vast majority of Piltown players leave the county for schools in Carrick-On-Suir and Waterford. On the other hand, Windgap have a split between Carrick-On-Suir and Kilkenny schools including Callan and the famed St. Kierans College that has almost always been the dominant post primary school (23 All-Ireland senior titles). Piltown have had very few attend the great alma mater over the years while Windgap past and present have had many more. The Post Primary school profile for the clubs again differs considerably. The adult profile, very similar.


Developments Squads are seen by many as a huge ground for developing young players in Kilkenny over the years. Between 2007 and 2022 (the years I spent as a development squad coach), Windgap had 29 players involved in various levels of development squads from Under-14 upwards. For the same period Piltown have had 43 players, almost 50% more.  In that period no Piltown player and only one Windgap player went on to play a competitive game for Kilkenny Senior hurlers. We clearly cannot use development squad involvement as a factor. Yet another myth.


How many times have you heard when the last knockout match is played and your team is finished, “they weren’t fit enough!”? I am sure almost every year unless the title has been won.  Going back to the 80’s, Windgap and Piltown have brought in fitness trainers mainly from outside the parish.  They were once known as fitness trainers or physical trainers, some just as Coach. Now commonly referred to as S&C (Strength and Conditioning) coaches. The term doesn’t make them any different to the many who went before them. They are no better or no worse than the lads that went before them, despite the courses and education. It would be wrong to suggest otherwise. The thing is then and now, the guy in the next club is most likely doing exactly the same “programmes” as they are now known as. The big difference today is the monetary cost to the club volunteers fundraising. A lot of coaches now see these as a nice side earner rather than a hobby. Very few are concerned with the long-term development within the clubs. Their main concern is potential CV growth rather than the love of the club and the game.

Over the last four decades, since outside coaches became a common thing, Piltown and Windgap probably have had a combined total fitness coaches numbering about forty. I dread to think of the total cost, but that is irrelevant to this case study.  I have no doubt there has been a wide variety, all genuinely trying to achieve victory even if the end game was their own personal ego. Over the years Windgap have won two junior titles (1 in the last 40 years) and Piltown won three (2 in the last 40 years).  The combined county title total is small, (5 in 149 completed campaigns – 2 before the era of outside coaches and 3 afterwards). To blame fitness is an insult to the many fitness trainers over the years, many of whom who have spent a lot of effort on education and many who have had some success elsewhere. It is the lazy man’s excuse for the lack of success at a point in time. They used the best fitness methods at the time. Every team was as well-prepared fitness wise as is possible, but the silver was rarely attained. There have been so many of them since the 80’s and so many different teams, therefore the fitness excuse is clearly a myth. The club administrators couldn’t have got it wrong so many times, that the fitness or S&C coaches weren’t good enough, could they?


Population, underage success, post-primary success, development squad involvement and fitness all debunked as reasons for the lack of success based on indisputable numbers and facts. Yet, instinct says they must be factors. For example, doing no fitness training will certainly not change history and win you anything.  I suppose its like making that special cake for that special occasion.  The best cake will always have that very special ingredient which makes all the others become special when mixed. You can buy the one in the supermarket, but it will not have that special ingredient. If you always have being buying the one from the supermarket and you like it, fair enough but it will never win you the baking competition. Change is required “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”. 70 years should be an indicator of what is required.  Something different needs to be tried. It may not work but remember, “A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new”.


No matter what you do in life, for it to be successful, you must have a solid foundation. That is my belief. They are lots of varying factors in a club or community situation starting with the meaning of success, what it is to the how, who and why. My experience in clubs and communities over the years has given me an ever-expending knowledge of what is required.

During Covid, I developed a workshop BUILDING THE FOUNDATIONS OF SUCCESS. I recently delivered it to Piltown Ladies Gaelic Football club as a pilot and the feedback has been positive. It is designed to set your own creative minds flowing because everyone is the master of their own destiny.  Arousing thoughts that will lead your club up the pathway for success, creating an underlying culture suitable for a foundation of that success.  It is aimed at coaches, administrators, adult players, parents and is suitable for all codes and grades. Please feel free to Share.

In the bible, Jesus said, “A prophet is honoured everywhere except in his hometown and with his own people and in his own home.” [Mark 6:4]. This is something I am well aware of. However, if you see something of merit in what is written here and in some of my other blogs, please feel free to contact me and I can compile and facilitate a version personalised for your club. Unlike many other coaching workshops or anything coaching for that matter, I will deliver and facilitate free to any club in any code in Kilkenny. Please feel free to check out my own COACHING credentials, though this is very different to what you would normally associate with physical coaching workshops.  There will be no cones. [Max 20 per session]

The question should always be asked, what qualifies you to do this? It’s a fair question. The only answer, is that I love the games and have participated as a player, including a substitute, coach, administrator, match official and a supporter over many decades.  Does your S&C coaching course make your more qualified? It certainly won’t be more varied.

This is the final instalment of my HISTORY OF BELIEF blog.  Hopefully it will bring purposeful thought and debate which will help your club or community in achieving success.  Not just the ones I have had the experience of. As always, I welcome comment. Remember no one person has all the answers. I certainly don’t. Maybe YOU have solutions of your own. Maybe YOU disagree and can offer alternative explanations for the factual figures.